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Detailed map with interesting points.
Published on October 26, 2021
Penn Station
Flatiron Building (Утюг)
Union Square
Grace Church
Little Italy
Район Нолита
Район Сохо
Saint Patrick’s Old Cathedral
Район Трибека
World Financial Center
Нью-Йоркская почта
Ground Zero
Battery Park
Castle Clinton
South Ferry Terminal
Statue of Liberty
Bowling Green парк
Charging Bull, бронзовый бык (или Wall Street Bull)
Wall Street
Нью-Йоркская фондовая биржа
Federal Hall
Trinity Church
Zuccotti Park
St. Paul's Chapel
City Hall
Tweed Courthouse
Brooklyn bridge
Манхэттенский мост
Brooklyn Heights Promenade
Mahayana Buddhist Temple
Manhattan Mall
Empire State Building
Times Square
Central Park
Columbus Circle
Bethesda Fountain and Terrace
Belvedere Castle и Черепаший пруд
Central Park Conservatory Garden
Central Park Zoo
American Museum of Natural History
Gray's Papaya
Rockefeller Center
Radio City Music Hall
Saint Patrick’s Cathedral
Washington Square
Район West/Green Village
The Cathedral Church of Saint John the Divine
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Район Chelsea
High Line park
Herald Square
Grand Central Terminal
Chrysler Building
New York Public Library
Bryant Park
St. Thomas Church
Fifth Avenue Presbyterian Church
Brighton Beach
Ellis Island
Museum of Modern Art
Madame Tussauds New York
Coney Island
pire 25
Madison Square Park
Metropolitan Life Insurance Company Tower
Всемирный Торговый Центр
Колумбийский университет
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New York all attractions
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